
dr dre beats one silk murderous

The chapter sends to, the task of today completion, go to bed to go, Be getting more tired, see you tomorrow!)
Chapter 598 must be him
The applause that gets a sword saint, didn't show unintentionally on face in the leaf sky the slightest different, and the Mu permit a winter but backed to return to, just of engagement also a word no longer lift.
Feel a burst of and funny in the heart, the leaf sky didn't also say what, after all he has one silk good will to the old, and he still wants to awake sword to work properly in the south sword sanctuary, so the affair didn't can make too extremely.
"Excuse me, the Mu permit elder generation, whether I have already won the champion that this ratio force marries into and lives with the bride's family?"
"Certainly, I declare now, the end champion that is this ratio force to marry into and live with the bride's family in the leaf sky, hold a wedding inside the sword sanctuary at the south after for three days, I will invite other believing in of three greatest sanctuarieses lords to come to attend a wedding together when the time comes".
Hear here, in the mind in the leaf sky immediately the five flavours are complete, because the eastern sword sanctuary of one of the four greatest sanctuaries believes in a lord, being also believing in of sword absolute being sea the lord is personally exactly thousand father.
In the mind in the leaf sky doesn't know, when the time comes if oneself sees believing in of sword absolute being sea main, so exactly should recognize this oneself so-called father, after all he is the soul in war sky to turn the body of a life time.
The leaf sky is arranged one later on quiet and out-of-the-way small only hospital inside, the wedding wants to would hold in three days, so say that he wants in the south sword sanctuary inside at least foolish last three dayses.
Is only small inside the hospital, the leaf sky a person alone sits in the yard and looking at the unique absolute being sword in the hand, in this a moment, leaf sky's facial expression is morea bit not that good-looking, even have one silk murderous look on the body.
The leaf just started for sky didn't good well cautiously observe unique absolute being sword, time wait until a person alone, the leaf genius Zi cautiously and thinly checked the unique absolute being sword in a time of hand.
But let leaf for sky feel a silk cutting up rough of BE, he just the all sorts of hardship gained of the unique absolute being sword is a handle to counterfeit a false inferior product, if isn't that he cautiously saw, basically can not see unique absolute being sword of this handle is in fact false.
"Leaf sky, you at?"
At by this time, small only the hospital outside and suddenly spread together clear and crisp voice and hadn't waited a leaf to say for sky what, later on only hospital outside slowly walk into a belle, is exactly a Mu to permit snow.
No matter how it is, the end champion that has already won this to marry into and live with the bride's family than the force in the leaf sky, press so the leaf sky and Mu permits snow nominally is already husband and wife, only still differ a form just.
Is suddenly original and then see Mu permit snow at the leaf sky in the exasperation, leaf sky change more of get angry with, later on voice inhospitality of ask a way:"Do you come to do what here?"
Listen to the tone of the iciness of youth, the Mu permits snow facial expression immediately an earthquake, she doesn't know youth why meeting suddenly to she such inhospitality, however the Mu permits snow voice to still sweetly ask a way:"I come to seek you this time, mainly is a company quantity how we cheat the husband and wife's affair".
"Cheat husband and wife?I want to ask you, you be the south sword sanctuary to don't speak prestige thus?"
"What are you saying?"
Mu's permitting snow is been a by the leaf sky absent-minded thoroughly Be getting more careless for lane, she isn't really understand, why just still thoroughly youth, in a moment to her, and the change happened to the south sword sanctuary from the attitude.
"You see by yourself".
Say the leaf sky passed the unique absolute being sword in the hand to her and looking at the unique absolute being sword in the hand, Mu's permitting snow stilled don't know to exactly take place what matter please, freely ask a way:"How exactly?Have what matter please and then say clearly".
"Hum, the this handle unique absolute being sword is false".
"What, is the unique absolute being sword false?Is impossible".
The words heard a leaf for sky, the Mu permits the answer way of snow instinct impossible, after all this handle the unique absolute being sword is once handled in person by her of, if say that own father will fool her,dr dre beats, so even if kill her, Mu's permitting snow can't believe.
"I also hope is that I saw wrong, the regrettable this handle unique absolute being sword really was false".
The facial expression has already changed matchless and dignifiedly, because the Mu permits snow to know it in heart, at present youth is can't open with her like this to play trick, after all haven't dared to challenge thus south the dignity of the sword sanctuary, even if is the war of those early years sky all can not.
"This matter I will investigate clearly, you give me a , a day I will come back to seek you after".
Lightly ordered to nod, just mainly because feel oneself is played, so momentary in the leaf sky feels some angries, however remember to come over, he feels the south sword sanctuary isn't thus shameless and no matter how it is, says, Mu's permitting to reply is all sword absolute being of quality goods at reasonable prices.
In this mainland on, the sword absolute being contains the dignity and self-respect of sword absolute being, since the Mu permits to reply the reward that the unique absolute being sword is this ratio force to marry into and live with the bride's family, so should can't above it noodles make secret arrangements.
Thought of here, leaf sky's tone is finally no longer apathetic, however also absolutely calculate not last gentleness, say:"I hope that the south sword sanctuary can give me a parlance, my etc. you are a ".
Lightly ordered to nod, the Mu permitted snow also a bit dignified in this a moment facial expression, if the unique absolute being sword in the hand is really false, so this matter can make big.
"You trust, this matter I will definitely make clearly".
After finishing saying, the Mu permits snow to quickly leave small only hospital, because this everything close a graveness, after all unique absolute being sword for the south sword sanctuary, and the whole sword absolute being sea all has to close an important position.
After the Mu permits snow to leave, the leaf sky gives whole small only the hospital deployed a small boundary forbid, the leaf sky takes out to put~to death absolute being swor later on, feel from put~to death to send forth one in fine threads ability inside the absolute being sword, in this a moment, the leaf sky really settles more, the that handle unique absolute being sword is false.
Because unique absolute being sword on, leaf sky could not feel from put~to death absolute being sword in the body feel of the breathing, no matter how it is, say, put~toing death all of absolute being sword and unique absolute being swords is one of four greatest swordses, the breathing of two absolute being swords even if have a dissimilarity, but also absolutely have an alike place.
Don't want again to cut off the affair of absolute being sword, after all the rights of the case a day after will know, the leaf sky sits on the ground and starts self-discipline getting up later on.
The left side of the south sword sanctuary of another only inside the hospital, the Mu permits snow facial expression matchless difficult see of looking at the Mu of in front to permit to reply, ask a way:"The this handle unique absolute being sword is false, ask a father for me explain for a while".
The Mu still being taking a nap permits to reply, is hearing after the daughter's words, the whole individuals all bounced, the voice was some exasperation of say:"What do you say?Is the unique absolute being sword false?"
Lightly ordered to nod, only on seeing fatherly expression, Mu's permitting snow has been already known, this affair will never be a father BE, but she really thinks impassability, the whole southern sword sanctuary, in addition to father and she outside, also have who once touched unique absolute being sword.
"The father, this matter no trivial matter, really threw in case of the unique absolute being sword, so we be not want to repeat the same mistake again east the back route of the sword sanctuary?"
Hear here, the Mu permits the facial expression for replying also for of a change, after all the east sword sanctuary threw to put~to death absolute bein more in those early years}}the affair of new sword, until now still a joke, and also haven't small stroke to eastern real strenght of the sword sanctuary.
"Must be him".
(PS:Six of today complete more already, this chapter is offer alone, congratulate younger sister's son(receive mountain traveler) happy birthday, hope that she is happy every day, everything is satisfactorily!)
Chapter 599 generally and motionless feeling, feel attracted not and generally
"Father, do you doubt to is it the Mu that permit elder Chien?"
Lightly ordered to nod, although the Mu permits to reply to would not like to believe, either, but his in the mind know very clearly, this matter a hundred per cent is what Mu permits elder Chien to do.
"Father, in case of really is what elder Chien does, how should we do?"
The facial expression is a bit dignified, if is what other people do, so with the authority that the Mu permits to reply in the south sword sanctuary, completely can kill its shot, after all whole southern sword sanctuary doesn't have a person to dare to stand out to say a words of objection.
Can they meet of but is a Mu and permits elder Chien, one fixs for the super sword that similarly comes to a the territory of the sword absolute being, and still takes charge of the south sword absolute being Related articles:

