
beats by dre studio r the pain killer

Of course ,I also want to her .relationresultChen Ping lookedcalm ,pie piezui, subtle way idiot .relationresultLuoQing, Wang Huang Ting ,also named Li Sheng man on one eye ,quietly .relationresultFrom first to last,three people are naturally or half unconsciously ignored a person ,they are the only team in a woman .
relationresultColdcolour .relationresultThe partiesare not happy not sad ,standing in a few people ,with indifference .relationresultChen Pingnarrowed his eyes ,smiled back, looked behind him according to the introduction of Haiyang old man named Lin Guoqiang one, playing Lin Lao ,the man to you? , relationresultThis kind of opportunitydoesn old guy number ,too wasteful .
relationresultStature is nothow tall man was dull ,looked up to Chen Ping at a glance ,look weird smile passed ,so softly .relationresultNot the slightestreluctance .relationresultHe gentlyone step forward ,the popularity of potential meal variable !relationresultLike adust-laden decades sword scabbard ,again ,still cold !relationresultOne to four,how proud ?!relationresultChen Ping squinted,smile express volumes ,was determined to have a look at home currently represents the peak force values of old man can really bossy to what extent .
relationresult(ask ask the ticket you subscribe truly awesome ... Modify typos to - .- book review area is becoming more and more deserted .A few more awesome hero sister paper .) , relationresultThe 647th chapter :the bloody , relationresultThe 647th chapterrelationresultTo Chen Pingsurprise ,the first shot is not cranky Luo Qing, nor seemingly sinister sly old fox King Huang Ting ,but looks bearing composed the most general wind Li Sheng ,empty-handed straight, in Lin Guoqiang hands to strike first to gain the initiative ,which in the Lee family provide for oneself and live comfortably middle-aged man at a high speed while quickly for many years ,but styles do not how overbearing ,partial feminine ,one hand to leave their retreat, although not obvious enough ,but at the crucial moment to save his life .
WWw ,relationresultLuoQing, Wang Huangting slightly one, followed by cold hands ,Yan finally ,four this station in Haiyang manor entrance ,is the representative of the family of Helian four-party alliance ,privately with greedy heart ,earn is a face ,also facilitate future for the most conducive to their own chips ,host a word ,say simple ,can be put in similar Los Home Wang the giants ,which so easily? It is a time of seemingly useless small scale battles accumulated out little merit ,desperate fight to the precious thing ,then with qualifications and relationship ,and ultimately to override the others ,light relies on bootlick to sail with the wind ,the family had been swallowed even the dregs are not left .
relationresultRepresents arun-down home sea current force value peak Lin Guoqiang old man won look ,calm ,he may be able to guess behind waiting to see what a young people ,whatever the mind ,in Chen Ping care to Haiyang can not be false ,this is enough, for more than 10 years Haiyang rarely use ace ,Lin Guoqiang contact with Haiyang although not much, but really hope family only lady can be firm and secure life ,these years although some mountains ,but influenced ,also know Haiyang a series of rumors ,he was music in his casket before looked behind him that even if they are able to detect dangerous young man and Haiyang battle of wits, good .
relationresultTwomore than 10 meters distance ,soon both to ,refined Li Sheng mask completely withdrew, one can vaguely see the young style face has completely replaced by cold ,he still is in the front, Luo Qing, Wang Huangting, the nemesis in left and right sides ,cold color with a glint in his eye, at the last ,don what .
relationresultThedistance of five meters !relationresultLin Guoqianghas been a dull expression suddenly changed, instant fierce ,suddenly one stamp, the wizened body such as shells ,immediately rushed out ,direct attack on the front of Li Sheng ,along with his feet ,near a small ground seemed faint tremble a bit ,the explosive force is strong ,simply frightful to the ear !relationresultChen Pingsquinted her eyes ,mouth smile gradually expanded ,it seems two old guys really is not something so simple ,Haiyang said it is the truth ,the strength ,has exceeded the Warring States organization elite members .
relationresultBoth sides quicklyapproaching ,Lin Guoqiang was impervious to desires and passions ,suddenly raised his hand ,directly upward ,seized Li Shenghui down the fist ,hard twist, don each other reflects the time ,a skinny body suddenly rotation ,directly to Luo Qing side ,knee, foot severely in his Los Qing waist ,pulls Li Sheng also made the fist ,seemingly gently toss, but directly to the weight of a conservative estimate there are one hundred and thirty force values were equally impressive Li Sheng swing fly out .
relationresultThe sceneis gorgeous ,but surprisingly shocking .relationresultOnlytwo strokes ,Luo and the Lee family representative was forced back, defenseless .relationresultWang Huangting,Yan two cold body suddenly stopped, stared at Lin Guoqiang ,wond complexion .
relationresultLin oldclear ,pragmatic outrageous ,without affectation ,body paused ,and then suddenly bursts ,rush to the changed colour King Huang Ting ,the old man is like a day a few years ,do is one thing ,boxing exercise ,decades of boring cycle eventually make a husband work ,reached the peak ,on the one hand can not see ,but rather simply decisive ,for whom this yes-men almost a fusty old guy ,who dare to move Haiyang ,is no doubt violated their cool .
relationresultThe fate of Wang Huangtingalso had to go, to struggle ,the result is in Lin old men to support two strokes on the same was thrown out ,sad and helpless ,Lin Guoqiang action does not stop ,once shot, is a dangerous situation doesn fit his age mood aggressive posture, directly on the back cold colour .
relationresultChen Pingzhangopened his mouth ,just like the opening is prevented ,but suddenly found the original impetus fierce is the Lin Guoqiang press forward with indomitable will have to stop, hand stopped in front of less than five cm in diameter of the cold face ,cold face head hair all drives ,backward wave momentum ,amazing .
relationresultColdcolour stood in front of Lin Guoqiang ,serenely ,black eyes are full of peace and quiet .relationresultLin Guoqiangfrowns ,looking at the woman in front of the deja vu ,as if thinking of sth.
,finally ,the appearance on the little indecent man not under the pain killer ,stepped back and stop suddenly ,cough ,a face gradually showing a pale face .relationresultChen Ping wasstupefied .
relationresultOn the otherside ,was repelled by the three delegates have look of ecstasy .relationresultOriginallythe pale Luo Qing smiled wryly, suddenly climbed up, at the same time as Wang Huangting from the cuff and took out a diamond army thorn ,sneers old man, who is not weak ,but is still a spent force ,activity under two no ?Would you like another spar? Give you a hand .
relationresultWang Huangtingwas cold ,be confronted with a formidable enemy ,rarely with rival Luo Qing stood on the same line .relationresultLi Shengquietly, slowly ,from the arms pulled out a pistol, and two army thorn together, all point to the Lin Guoqiang ,temperature and sound laughed old gentleman ,I believe you have a war strength ,but your state now ,can hide lead bullets ?We don ,come here today ,but for the manor two woman ,each one step back ,how? , relationresultMore than two women ,and the little white girl skin ,hey ,Chen Shao since we join ,Los less wouldn ,a woman for you ,rest assured ,these women will not be a neglected ,Los less tired woman ,will give us his brothers loved ,ha ha ha ha .
,beats by dre studio, relationresultLuoQing attitude rampant ,act recklessly and care for nobody ,was a knife in hand the world can go .relationresultChen Pingsquinted her eyes ,cold light flicker ,but not first shot . Related articles:

