
www.beatsbydrdreaustralian.com Dragon Island Roa

The killer ,and that should be the mercenary John Denys ,no anchor ,should be the angel that mercenaries of deputy head John Denis .This guy gets some inheritance ,coupled with a unique force ,even if the General intermediate martial arts master is not his opponent .
Step to the west of the experience, a look at the video ,although they have to hide ,but he was recognized several people .relationresultKiller list of what is going on ? Zhao Long is very familiar with the mercenaries in the soul ,Mercs Inc at that time he also on the mercenary with a deep understanding of .
Angel mercenaries he also heard ,is a little the mercenaries ,but the overall strength is not anchor .relationresultKiller list long-standing ,especially in the recent decades there has been a global network system ,more people have done a website as a platform ,the world killers may enter pick business .
They then extracted some commission ,gradually formed a rank ,more on the more and more fierce, the price is higher also .In addition to killer list ,and the list with the list of hunter ,Hunter list is a bounty hunter ,with their mercenaries are similar ,but not identical .
Mercenary is mostly for the employers to work, they are for their own money .So this site has a reward bang ,is ready for the bounty hunter .The list is a list of some reward list ,as long as you pay ,reward anything .
, relationresultPositive female house can offer a reward of terrorist in the head ,the terrorists can also offer a reward to assassinate dignitaries ,but the wicked are slightly different .
You must provide enough evidence ,prove that this person is really committed crimes, such as those of well-known drug ,or kill the fugitive ,or some corruption evidence ,these through the normal channels can not deal with some of the tasks .
, relationresultMercenariesand bounty hunter Zhao Long some time ago to contact me, now I knew ,his first thought was ,to make the things up organizations have much .Zhao Long is also remembered last year when the assassination of her killer ,now he knows the killer sign meaning .
relationresultThese people should be the kind of dumb witness ,no way to trace the person ? Now he is not interested in listening to step to the west of so many ,an explanation ,Zhao Long continued to look after the picture frames .
relationresultStepto the west to Zhao Long said ,immediately understand tao :relationresultYou mean ,these are abundant this family intentionally employed ? , relationresultCertainly ,this need not doubt .
Now people have a palmtop computer used on record ,abundance of the family ,Zhao Long has stood up to leave here .relationresultI have to mobilize people in action ,this kind of thing a man is useless, you still here wait for news .
Zhao Long wants to leave, step to busy advised .relationresultI sit and wait ,I will use my own way to solve the problem . , relationresultMy own way ? Step to show concern .relationresultYou can use means .
, relationresult(to be continued ) , relationresultChapter 234Th big move , relationresultZhao Longdid not deliberately concealed, also did not kick up a cloud of dust ,but did not say so carefully ,and have to move directly to leave .
WwW ,QunabEN ,coM this matter abundance of this family is planning for a long time ,even has been monitoring their action step to no problem has been found, suggesting that they do very secret .
relationresultFromtheir hired these people also can see ,their design for a long time ,in this case the passive information such as what is the use, conventional means is not good ,they are before the action would have made adequate preparation .
relationresultFortunately,they should want to get something from Su Zibing ,Su Zibing short time also not be dangerous ,like this good, as long as there is enough time .relationresultLook atZhao Long did not fall, step ,the next moment people have to walk again far ,when people have entered the emergency escape routes, step to the West opened his mouth to persuade him to stop .
If a blocking there .Damn, they do all this ,will he side also tolerate him, not easy, shit .relationresultIf Zhao Longzhenhas the ability ,as long as can be Zibing rescued, it is also his ability ,www.beatsbydrdreaustralian.com.
relationresultHello ... ... Is there anything I can answer ,kill them, get back to me with he said ,just to save Zibing ,day all the all right . Thinking of West ,step towards distant shout .
relationresultStepto the west is also a martial arts master ,his shouting is dedicated to Zhao Long ,the sound is very well controlled ,successor has about the emergency escape Zhao Long ears ,other people can not hear the .
Explosive ,the more the better . Zhao Long listened to the heart is a warm ,he believed that a soldier should have so fearless spirit of it, otherwise how can keep the home guard Park ,why men fear death battlefield .
Coupled relationship with Zhang ,Zhao Long also did not follow him .relationresultZhao Longcommon, as is normal in west side step talk again ,this concession to the west after a good .
relationresultSiyu also exhort ,I must take care of him ,let him not the love .The guy .Now this guy is so fierce ,he takes care of me . Step automatic speaking West said, as Zhao Long said to explosive he didn to him it is too simple .
relationresultZhao Longwent out as by a helicopter ,no follow step to greet something ,tell him directly to shell out documents destination on the line .relationresultHelicopter rideback to Dragon Island Road, Zhao Long has been quick to abundance of this family of data read ,abundance of this family is very large .
Their vast wealth not only the surface is so simple ,but a genuine Yoko Take ,politics ,business three large family .relationresultHere,the information is very detailed ,even everyone in the family status ,importance and are written very clearly .
Abundance of this family Wu as the foundation ,to the huge financial resources as the pillar ,then involved in their own political .In other place also has a very strong influence ,especially they were continuously collected a lot of things ,Zhao Long at the top of the see .
Collection of qualified children were cultured, like methyl bud ,thousands of years xuanbing this day material Po ,collecting information ,square field surface .relationresulttgo ,you are immediately back to the western suburbs of Haicheng warehouse office ,there will be someone waiting for you ,you will he take over .
Zhao Long on the road to have informed Liu six ,allowing him to prepare something ,when a helicopter in the distance I twenty meters Zhao Longgen driver said, people have been directly under .
relationresultIs . The driver for this situation clearly also has it is quite common for ,without seeing directly down the Zhao Long ,driving directly to a plane next ,the direction of Haicheng fly back .
relationresultshoop ... ... Sou ... ... Sou ... ... Zhao Longgang falls ,a few people had arrived ,it is iron Yonggang ,Ni Gangzu from several other martial arts masters peak .
relationresultBoss.relationresultWell . Zhao Long nods slightly : call fat foot Kun other responsible person ,something important meeting ,also let all of them at once entered into a state of war ,and took a break ,stop training .
Now they are high intensity training ,to act before must stop training ,get enough rest before the state of play to the best .Ni steel and Tie Yonggang heard are eyes ,looked back at Zhao Long face, two people also dare not ask ,immediately in accordance with Zhao Long command arrangement .
relationresultFat,iron Yonggang ,Ni steel and all other reached the pinnacle of martial arts masters soon rallied ,in Zhao Long under the influence of mood and style ,everyone feel an invisible pressure ,a triviality to have .
relationresultDouble purple group Su Zibing in a few hours before being kidnapped ,you want to get her master of science and technology with some top-secret information ,it is with other agencies in the military . Related articles:

