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The thing of the square.
The ray of light of evil Yu saint flower continues to refrain from rash action, end all concentrated on Lin Rong, but at this time, Lin Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De Fan inset Li Jing Ji personses to all resume a freedom.
Strong ray of light of evil Yu saint flower, just for an instant, Lin Rong thoroughly in the ray of light, the disappearance's evil Yu saint spends of the light beam also disappear a while, the sky in the only huge saint flower is revolving, Lin Rong thoroughly of the disappearance spend in the saint in.
"Glory ……"
The Lin Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De San people started Leng next, suddenly, when respond to come over of, Lin Rong has already disappeared, wood just not from get a rant comes out, the whole crape myrtle temple all because of he this roars but Zhan Li bottom.
Bomb ……
Frighten into inaction at vacant 3 people of moment, outside spread one huge ring, be still distorting in early time of accept for a sky, the Ge finally broke, the fragment flew a full sky of, but Lin Feng's body like hurtle the great white crane in sky but top and keep toward Gao empty in fly Lue but go.
On Lin Feng Shen at this time still and just and deeply wear Buddhism of gold color ray of light, those accompany with he leaps but up of fragment just after his swords work properly to order about all become one handle handle the huge sword revolve beside in his body, while he is to generally calm down to sign like a celestial spirits unreal in, adjusting oneself has already had some to confuse of true spirit.
"The maple is little ……"
"Senior ……"
When Lin Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De Fan insets Lee to calm down 3 people smell hugely loudly turn round to see it, 3 people all Jiang come down, but the Fan inset of eyes become a bit rosy a while, soft-voiced Du Rang sentence:"You finally still came."
However, just broke through to accept for a sky at Lin Feng, the moment of Ge, the true oral tradition pupil of sanctuary temple all in a twinkling started out, a generally kept from each direction like the Cang wolf fierce tiger to fly Lue since then.
The winds and clouds changes Huan, the country changes countenance, connect a crape myrtle temple sky of evil Yu saint the flower is also starting refraining from rash action, at this time, that flower petal that open gradually keeps on gathering together.
137 speed of true oral tradition pupils of sanctuary temple may compare a lightning flash, so, when Lin Feng just adjusted a reason to follow the moment that his/her own breathing puts good appearance, all keeping of the owner to flowed out up, the whole space can say is have already completely been full of these people of kill of spirit, the gold wood water fire soil breeze thunder and lightning can be treated as eight magical power attributes one many, can eat the person of any natural endowments by.The person who faces this sort situation has a little bit carelessly,http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj, meeting skeleton depletion, even also scare to death, always a life time not get super living.
However, but Lin Feng is an accident, his magical power natural endowmentses are all zero, in other words, although these all magical powers have vital threat to oneself,be unlikely oneself the gram arrive nowhere to turn, what he cultivates is a sky, book Wu Dao, in the past be called negative celestial spirits, so, be free from any magical power restriction, certainly, the attack face this to inherit on all sides at this time, even if he is free from magical power restriction, however, want to walk or have some difficulties.
Lin Feng displays breeze to living water to rise, those round he revolves of fly the speed that the sword becomes to become to sooner get up a while, at the same time, surroundings all spirits vigorously all take side to him and form the monster of various shape by the side of his body, there is Cang dragon, there is fierce tiger, there is male lion, there is big Peng ……
Lin Feng is just in case while promoting his/her own vehemence the evocable sword also work properly to protect a body and deeply wear layer light green ray of light on the body, so at this time of he, is also like one handle the sharp sword sign in the sky.
Sanctuary temple 137 true oral tradition pupils come right away Lin Feng's side in the body for an instant, at this time, the whole spaces all start appearing the form of a burst of distortion, the desire of all people places Lin Feng of the hopeless situation is similar.
However, just closed to the scope that can attackstone to get Lin Feng at these people inside, Lin Feng Yi the roars come out, moment those rounding oneself is rotary of fly sword and wear those hover around by oneself of various vehemence for an instant toward flying to go out on all sides.
Lin Feng Yi recruits Shi Chu, the whole space dashes about like ten thousand horses of the broad steppe is similar, any things can not become these sword the bar of the spirit.
Lee is quiet to see in the crape myrtle temple Lin Feng Yi recruited to block the offensive of 137 people under go, a burst of surprise comes out and says:"Unexpectedly just disappear for several days, fixing of senior for Gao Dao's this kind of situation."
The Fan insets silently variety of looking at the all these and just finishes saying and answers to come over to say at Li Jing:"He is this shot, only afraid the owners all think that this is the senior of with all strength one shot, actually next then is the attack that causes death most ."
Fan insets to say, eyes move toward the body of 137 true oral tradition pupils of sanctuary temple up, at this time, all people all dissolve Lin Feng's spirit vigorously, however their speed slow a while many.
Lin Feng feels these people to all be closing to himself/herself by the speed of extremely sudden and swift power and appear a to put on on the face have if have no of smile an idea, dark way:"Together come at the right moment, don't waste this young master as well to again display in a sudden second."Lin Feng wants to have already set go true spirit, at present, fixing of Lin Feng for already arrive Ao breeze the state said by emperor, so display in a sudden although second will bring certain injury to body,also be unlikely to be like similar would have a dead possibility before.
137 arrive spirit to all vigorously fall on Lin Feng, and also here for an instant, on Lin Feng's body but the Shan appear the ray of light of one regiment purple color, the ray of light just overflowed in addition to body, moment all over the place the sort ground gobble up to go out and not only hurtled to spread 137 jet of gas strength, pawn everything long grass shot on these people's body of, all people for an instant Jiang under go.
Lin Feng hurriedly takes back life, one is fierce to drink out at the same time:"All die."Said to begin to grasp 1 in the unreal, started to grasp a wisp of air, this air followed his signal to revolve 1 turn and immediately after started liquefying, then solidified into one handle ice sword, end, once Lin Feng's arm throw, the sword lightning flash sort ground flew to go out, as owning life, those Jiang descend of 137 people all pierce and broke through the last true oral tradition pupil of, the ice sword finally melt, and then becomes a wisp of air disappearance bottom to go.
"Can work properly sword person who develop this kind of extreme limit, see to his owning sword to work properly isn't 12 days of business and also had many years at least."The Fan insets to see Lin Feng Yi recruit in a sudden second, immediately after one sword kills the true oral tradition pupil shot of the whole sanctuary temple, not from must puzzle, raised to touched a next lower jaw, wonder alone.
However, even now, the Fan insets several people to all obviously feel the earth a while the Zhan Li get up, be return to absolute being to it, sees all everythings starting revolving and rising seven all-powerful light pillars at the same time in seven treasure palace directions of sanctuary temple.
At this time, all things is taking Lin Feng as center of a circle to revolve, but let the Fan inset 3 people what to understand not is some things are agreeable hour hands to turn, but some but agains are negative hour hands to turn, the transmigration of soul interleave of a turn per turn writes ……
"The round of destiny ……" suddenly, the Fan insets one surprised exhale, the facial expression greatly changes, immediately one handle sword flew to go out from the waist, the moment breaks the spirit wall shot that"tie up" them, the Fan insets to step forward an one step at the same time, and the person flew to go out and kept toward Lin Feng but go.
"The round of destiny?"Although Lin Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De doesn't know the round of destiny is what things, when see the Fan inset at the mention of this name of the whole individual all be like threw a soul, then had already known that the important event is far from good, asks Li Jing Dao:"Is this what things?"
The face that Lee calms down is more pale like paper, her eyes see a body at blunt sky only Lin Feng in the pillar, slightly shook bottom, say:" Be not what things, now only afraid is who can not save senior."Li Jing says to fix attention on tears for an instant tears overflow, fluently fix attention on Cape slippery drop down.
Lin Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De's body Zhan Li bottom, lift Lin Feng in the eye who see the round of being placed in the destiny, one roars loud:"Elder brother, I came to save you ……" says also and keeps forward the square flew to go out.
Li Jing didn't obstruct, she looking at quietly and was just tears but in the canthus cannot stop of slide ……
At this time, Lin Feng Shen is in the eye of the round of destiny, he feel all lives is leaving their himself/herselfs but go, this kind of empty pain and sufferings far displays than the first time in a sudden second and still wants painful hundredfold, however, when he sees the Fan inseting and disregarding and keeping with Lin Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De Liang people toward himself or herself and flying to it, he originally already the blurred nerve stretch tight and tightly get up a while and do the best and revolve true annoy, a Zhang flicks and goes out and loudly drinks a way at the same time:"Is dangerous, don't come over ……"
The Zhang vigorously flicks, the shot insets a body in the Fan up, the Fan insets a moment to pour Lue to go out backward and at the right moment bumps on Lin Zheng Zheng Qi Qi De's body, immediately after 2 people all flew to go out backward and fell in of, along with revolve of the ground also revolve.
Eyes that"don't……" Fan insets are for a while

