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A pulse ,the main veins three ,namely God ,root ,gas ,God as the heart ,root for renal vein ,splenic vein gas .No matter how serious disease ,if the splenic vein filling effectively, it means the acquired essence supply everfount ,Zangxiang system has enough energy to overcome the disease .
If the splenic vein unable or very irregular ,that means the Zangxiang system will not acquired essence ,disease to not the good aspects of development .It is based on this principle ,the history of some school specifically stressed the importance of the spleen and stomach .
relationresultYang can medicine , relationresultChina Taoism is very interesting ,it is religious ,but also in science ,its overall theory is established in the science of human body on the basis of reading ,so the author ,is neither fish nor fowl .
For example ,the world religions in the study of what to do in the future ? Taoism ,but struggle to study die ? In order to achieve the purpose of live forever and never die ,Taoism believes that as long as one can also , a long life can be .
relationresultIn fact, Taoism about human life ,but also the source for traditional Chinese medicine .Because it seems that in Chinese medicine ,human nature is not decided anatomical flesh ,but Zangxiang system .
While in hiding in image system ,the most precious is the yang .Thus ,many people think that ,if we can continue to use drugs with complementary Yang ,so can live longer ,healthier .relationresultOn Yang whether acquired the compensation problem ,we and traditional researchers have different views .
Traditional researchers think ,Yang can be acquired from refined received compensation ,which can make addition .We think ,the congenital essence in ordinary cases cannot be acquired compensation ,it can only be made by subtraction .
Similarly ,the human body viscera system Yang is not acquired complement ,because Yang is the innate essence and transformation of the .This is like the dollar ,Chinese is not a manufacturing dollar .
relationresultSome people say the Chinese medicine prescription has many are reinforcing Yang ,such as Li Dongyuan Baoyuantang ,Zhang Zhongjing Jinkui Shenqi Pill ,has reinforcing Yang function ,how can it be said that Yang can not be acquired grant ?relationresultIn fact, look at these prescription drug composition ,mostly belonging to the complement of Yin drugs , on as an example ,this method although called kidney-yang ,but its main drug Radix Rehmanniae Preparata ,Cornus officinalis are replenishing yin and Qi ,yam ,Fuling ,spleen dampness ,Rhizoma alismatis and renal water is evil ,Ni Hidekiyoshi the hepatobiliary phase fire ,only Guizhi s Mingmen fire .
But in many other formulae ,cassia medicated it through positive role ,and there are few male role .relationresultAnother example of aconite medicine ,back Yang from collapse ,supplement fire helps the positive effect, in many prescription has the drug ,such as Guizhi Fuzi decoction ,four of Sini Decoction ,Tongmai Decoction ,four .
Study of the prescription monkshood ,actually did not directly fill Yang effect, but have to Yang ,and Yang, warming Yang ,activating Yang function .If one considers the cassia twig ,monkshood class medicine really can fill in Yuanyang ,it is foolish .
relationresultTherefore ,we persist in general have not acquired grant ,cannot use more drugs to grant .So we usually say Buyang and what does it mean ?relationresultWe mentioned above ,Zang Qi of yin and Yang is in balance ,the FOTILE too little, belong to the abnormal state ,can produce disease phenomenon .
But as an independent life system, it has a strong self regulating function .When have long-term supply shortage situation, Yang will play a greater role ,of course, consumption will be more .
Therefore ,from a system perspective, when our fill of Yin ,Yang will naturally reduce the consumption .So Buyang actually means that Yang expenditure returned to normal ,and not as much increased from 1 to 2 ,the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine Buyang only in this sense can be said .
relationresultFurthermore ,the Yang and Yin has a completely different physiological functions ,between the two is not mutual transformation .relationresultThe main and collateral channels system of Yang not only acquired cannot fill, but also need not fill, because in human life in the process, we are not lack of Yang ,but the lack of the students have acquired by refinement .
relationresultMany doctors are summed up in practice, the human body is actually surplus Yang and yin deficiency ,we are sick ,aging of root is precisely because Yin insufficient place to ,rather than because of Yang deficiency .
For example ,the elderly pulse is generally more ambitious ,why ?Because of the aging begins the spleen and stomach, our spleen cannot metaplasia more cosmic essence ,resulting in insufficient production of Zangxiang system Yin ,Yang Yin will replace the work ,the older ,more refined deficiency spleen ,so pulse macro .
relationresultThis is in line with our inference .Because according to hide like design ,main and collateral channels and yang can work stably to the age (120 years ) ,but many of us are not live to the age of .
So there is no need for acquired grant Yang ,generally derived from Yang of the disease is not the lack of Yang ,Yang ,but not latent ,depressed wait for a phenomenon ,so traditional Chinese medicine more than male ,but the sun ,Yang, and Yang etc.
.relationresultThe above said is in the general meaning of the congenital essence ,Qi can not be acquired grant .So if there are special circumstances can grant the congenital essence ?The Chinese medicine theory without clear exposition ,but people from the Chinese medicine theory to derive the conclusion is positive ,and put it into practice ,then that qigong .
relationresultTraditional Chinese medicine in essence and in relation to each other when ,once spoke of refined gas ,and used a lot of the text to illustrate this point ,but the Chinese have also talked about gas can also be converted into refined gasification finishing .
If the former is positive ,then the latter is for anti .Qigong practitioners believe that ,when the practice to a certain extent ,acquired Qi can be condensed into fine ,the appropriate for congenital essence ,only in this case of congenital essence make addition .
But this degree is generally difficult to achieve ,so they feel are not universal ,and there was no statistical significance .relationresult-- -- -- -- , relationresultHide like a life, that it must be like the human eating ,it eats is a small box with heaven and Earth Spirit cultivation :relationresult(days of the gas ) , relationresultWe will let the days of gas Imagine blunts !relationresultWhen we stand in the wilderness, the wind from blowing from all sides ,size ,kissed our faces ,so our clothes .
We can feel the wind in the air ,could feel the wind in the warm, can touch the wind pressure .Suddenly ,the wind changed ,the Xiao kill airborne wind ,cold .relationresultWith the wind on the understanding ,we know more about the story of the wind : a look at the weather forecast ,that has a cold air is down ,the screen will have an arrow ,indicating the cold air southward path ,marked the wind direction .
The wind has to ,also has passages ;year in spring ,we to the wilderness ,originally a breeze ,suddenly the ground will appear in a whirlwind, volume to his face ,do person covered with dust ,they called it drafts ,because it ;forecast that day afternoon five class gale ,can get up early in the morning goes out to meet the seven winds ,wind ,the wind to come sooner or later have size .
.. ... , relationresultLet us keep on wind knowledge ,to study human out of gas .relationresultWind is air in air wave ,omnipresent .Cosmic Essence with air, filled in the entire universe, when the energy fluctuation, called the gas ,the gas to this day .
Gas and wind, also has passages ,sooner or later ,sizes, and the dry hot wind characteristics .relationresultAlthough the essence of omnipresent ,filled the whole universe .But the impact of our cosmic essence is countable, they form five channels, each sweep of the earth which affect our human life .
The five channels are :Heaven of gas ,beats by dre pro,~ ( the left yellow Youjin ) days ,days of gas ,gas Dan Tien gas ,in days of gas . In the five kinds of running in the five gas have a special discussion :relationresult see too was Tianyuan copy paper ,Dan day gas, through a cowgirl pentobarbital ;yellow ( left yellow Youjin ) days of the gas ,by heart has been divided ;heaven of gas ,the danger room in willow ghost ;in days of the gas ,after Kang Di the Bi ;celestial atmosphere, by Zhang Yi Lou stomach . Related articles:

