
cheap beats by dre wolf who fights a

Wu asked .relationresultBrother ,coldest month girl is very good ,otherwise ,this time the wedding ,I her with the past ? Xiao Han asked .relationresultXiao .I know I sorry for her ,but I have my suffering ,my .
.. ... Dragon five eyes flashed a regret .relationresultBrother ,do you want to hang out with different girls ? Xiao Han asked ,as long as the heart, things may not be so absolute .
relationresultNo, I told her no future ,she told me only pain ,Xiao man ,he once in front of me swear you not to marry, that may seem angry words ,but if she told you, I rest assured .
Dragon five - a really saying .relationresultBrother ,friend is not weak ,this is not you embarrass me ! Xiao Han steep road .relationresultYou have such idea ,I even more assured the coldest month deal with your hands ,in this world, in addition to brother ,I want no one else can match her .
Dragon five .relationresultBrother ,maybe in the future you may one day ... ... , relationresultThere won such a day ,I already have thirteen ,I am very satisfied . Dragon five .relationresultXiaoHan know dragon five spirit of perseverance, it is very difficult to persuade people ,dragon thirteen is not so big as generous and forgiving ,coldest month want with the Dragon five together will be difficult to .
relationresultA distance of five hundred kilometersto full flight Xiao Han and five for only a short time ,forty minutes of flight ,and then twenty minutes looking for ,two people finally found a silver spike account where the Garou nation !relationresultStanding on a hillside,looked at more than 10 miles away the account ,silver of the Garou Nation together like a huge army ,gray domed, one by one ,the level is very obvious ,the peripheral ring is an ordinary wolf hominin living, more to the middle ,the yurt is more and more big ,the middle one of the largest domed ,for a basketball field so big .
The outside of the decoration is also very gorgeous ,the top is also carrying a rod argent banner ,a huge silver wolf head bared ferocious appearance ,streamed in the wind !relationresultBrother ,it seems that the thirteen Princess hasn .
Xiao Han at the silver the Garou Nation very calm . .relationresultMove slow ,thirteen higher than before . Dragon five .relationresultNo morethan five know Long Shisan temper ,before she is certainly regardless of the consequence of direct charge in, now also know to investigate a case, before you start ,it progress .
relationresultWait a minute ,I pretend cold Confucian ,grievance brother temporarily act as a cold Confucian thirteen chief Eagle the eagle . Xiao Han tao .relationresultWell ,I will make a return to the eagles .
Dragon five with a smile .relationresultDragonis very proud ,let alone as a gold dragon chief successors ,how he wants to pretend that a man be strangers to each other ?relationresultKiara,they soon arrived, also brought camouflage clothing ,they are temporarily acted as the other twelve eagle .
relationresultXiaoHan in Kiara ,quickly completing the graceful bearing of cold Confucian Han viceregal variable ,although some places do not reach the acme of perfection ,but later fight ,who would notice !relationresultSince theabsolute planted ,it won kill all ,but this attitude will do ,only need to keep one or two * * mouth can .
relationresultThorn ! A sound ,followed by a fierce wolf ,the most luxurious huge domed, a being from the top put a big gap ,a gold and a silver figure suddenly broke apart !relationresultA successful attack on the thirteen ! Dragon five surprises in the road .
relationresultHandclutching his chest ,angry howl sound from the elderly population was passed out, and soon eight silvery silhouette also rushed to the sky, the Dragon thirteen round up .
relationresultis not heavy ! Xiao Han eyesight is very strong, he had seen my chest and not much blood bank ,this guy estimate wearing what defense strong soft armor within, and his deep ,but only eat pain !relationresultTo the Wang Shengqin this woman ! Wolf king cruel lecherous gaze on Long Shisan ,a command channel .
relationresultLong Shisan ,she to assassinate ,certainly can reveal the truth ,hair not cover ,can remain the same ,but the face is slightly for a change ,and covered with a scarf, wolf Wang Genben does not know to assassinate her is actually a golden dragon !relationresultEightwolf who each have a God in order to repair ,is the wolf family in the elite ,but also a confidant of Wang Jiechuan wolf ,the wolf king is always one hundred percent complete .
relationresultSilverKing to capture the assassination of his blonde woman ,must be like this woman ,so the eight wolf who exchanged a glance ,slowly narrowing of the encirclement ,in dragon thirteen surrounded the past !relationresultLong Shisaneyes had a touch of panic, not his best shot ,didn be able to hurt my hair silver ,immediately guessed him wearing what defense high valuable armor and the like, estimation of previous assassination wolf king people are because of this most is going away .
relationresultEight to one,along with a look at fiercely as a tiger does ,never had a shot .relationresultBeautiful ,good to lay down their arms ,to surrender, the king may give you a princess do? Wolf king grinning at road .
relationresultWolfking princess that * * tools ,this tool ,Silver King has a lot, but silver king really like all men share sb. ,the princess is with eight wolf who shared, so big wolf on Silver King who is keep faithful and true ,no complaints .
relationresultParanoia ! Long Shisan :a sound ,from looking at the four came around the silver wolf wei .relationresultDare to beatgolden dragon clan chiefs future people attention ,the silver wolf king must be suspected his life long enough .
relationresultThe capture of this woman ,the king after letting you enjoy ,disposal ! Silver King announced .relationresultEightwolf who heard this ,all out of Yin evil eyes ,hate not to jump on the bandwagon right now ,the Dragon XIII gulp !relationresultBold.
Long Shisan holds the gold whip in the sky ,a beautiful circle ,circle to the right of the saliva to flow down the silver wolf who have !relationresultXiao man ,thirteen had started ,we is it right? ? Dragon five anxious tract .
relationresultXiaoHanyao shook his head ,dragon thirteen practice should be able to support for a while ,Xiao Han reached a Kiara ,cheap beats by dre,whisper command a few words .relationresultKiaraWenyan face smile smile ,greet the Dragon five brought eleven men with him and went .
relationresultXiao man ,what are you doing here ? Dragon five indissolubles .relationresultBrother ,now thirteen Princess contain silver and eight wolf Wei ,this time is our solution to his fellow wolf cubs when, wolf family of absolutely not only the nine God level master ,so I let Kiara took people ,past quietly .
.. ... Xiao Han made a clicking action line .relationresultBrother ,you slip to thirteen a message ,let her take the Silver King led spike account range ,so their action kiara ! Xiao Han tao .
relationresult,give me . Dragon five .relationresultAt this timeLong Shisan has been with the eight wolf who fights a group ,eight silver wolf Wei be together morning and night for thousands of years ,both have reached the heart of the realm ,a eight person and one power is very great, dragon five saw the shrinking and circle ,also is secretly heart unceasingly, wonder ,if their in the eight encirclement ,how to deal with ?relationresultThis isthe eight wolf Wei did not kill, their purpose is to capture the Dragon thirteen . Related articles:

