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The salary and bonus add up to all of her income ,but the two income adds up are expensive ,she has a large family to raise .But also for the younger brother and sister to school ,although a lot of money .
But there is little money, day also had just average .relationresultButthe nightmare from she met a man began to .Because of this ,man ,she from financial department a well-paid post was transferred to the chamber such that an apathetic place ,she was less than thirty years old, is here to endowment as well? , relationresultShe knew that,if she just a nod from the man, will immediately return to the original work ,and even have the opportunity for promotion ,but she is not willing to do so ,with the body for the future !relationresultIn fact,in the video change heart ,that man does not deserve their own body to change the future .
If the man into this man ,maybe she will not hesitate to throw himself into the .relationresultThe womanmore value lies in her face .Rather than her talent ,if there is a male left both appreciate her talent ,and like her face ,not taste can her patron !relationresultInthe room of three year zero four .
In March, the silent suffering than a curse to fidget .relationresultThe 534th chapter relationresultQi hang ,I first day on board, on the inside of the less familiar .Can you tell me the position state paste lang .
Xiao Han smile asked , do you have something to drink,beats by dre australia, I like here only wine ? , relationresultNo, I will not drink the door main . Million Qiding quickly rejected .relationresult,I give you a cup of tea ? Xiao Han rose road .
relationresultSupervisorsubordinate tea, Wan Qi to also calculate Xuanmen headquarters office mix for almost nine years and people .How to make such rude things ?All of a sudden went red in the face ,hand repeatedly says not .
relationresultIn fact,Xiao Han also said ,he even here there are no for tea tea there are not clear .relationresultWell ,I will not force, but I even tea tea where is not clear . Xiao Han chuckled ,sit down .
relationresultThe second on the left .A cabinet third lattices ! Video change talk tell .relationresultDo youknow .Xiao Han surprise tract .relationresultThe LORD your door this office is me for you every day to clean .
Video on the Frank boss with rumours that he was unlimited ,but the former door main lover ,looks very elegant, and man !relationresultOh ,it turns out to maintain one with bright windows and clean tables ,noisy ,you deserve the credit ! Xiao Hanzan tract .
Well ,well ,it or give you in charge . , relationresultVideochange of course happy nodded ,although before she was Secretary of room four men out of here to clean the big terrorist office also some complaints, but now these complaints are left to be flung to the four winds .
relationresultAlthoughshe is not a snobbish girl, for themselves and their families in the future ,even if a point what ?relationresultWell, hark back to the subject ,or saying what you know in the nose ? Xiao Han serious road .
relationresultThe door main want to hear of what? Video get asked in a whisper .relationresultI want the financial department of financial expenditure and income in a situation, do not be too specific .
Only need one ,probably you can, to all that you know ,you in the room .Should be exposed to these data . Xiao Han tao .relationresultWell ! Video variable nodded ,secretary office work is not much, mainly because the prince of orange dance rarely issued orders and processing door inner affairs ,while the other four person love is all the work is tossed her do ,this will give her the chance to Xuanmen each part of comprehensive understanding ,Xiao Hansuan is asked about for the people .
If today is the four in a .I will only be deny all knowledge of an event .relationresultTaoism the annual income in four billion gold ,but this is just the book income ,actually annual Xuanmen total revenue in six billion gold coins ,four billion half to give the dragon ,that is to say Xuanmen can only retain half, the half is also pay the war church headquarters .
In addition to the remaining income, also need to hand in three to fight Tong headquarters ,is to say that every year to earn gold black ,can eventually fell on our own pocket in black only real one billion five hundred million .
But it is one billion five hundred million black ,or war hall four of the most wealthy one door ,so the church headquarters in addition to let us pay war ,never sent us a gold coin .
Video a speaking about Taoism things ,gradually to head up ,is not just that sense of shyness ,but a sense of pride in high spirit of confidence .relationresultOne billion five hundred million ,can I say that one billion five hundred million is how allocation ? Xiao Han asked .
relationresult,the door main . Video change found themselves seem rude, he was slightly lower at mandibular canal , about ten hundred million is used to give the Taoism all staff salaries and bonuses and casualty pension ,then ships the yearly maintenance and energy loss requires three million, at least once a year to buy one to two new the ship ,but also there will be one or two old ships retired ,this part of the required funds in about one hundred million ,and the rest one billion ,which is the special fund ,the door main master ,will be like this ! Video simple said this way .
relationresultIs it right? This special fund only door main one masters ,others can not use ? Xiao Han asked .relationresultThis is not one of my .Small secretary can know . Video variable replied .
relationresultIn addition to cash money ,the door every fleet will come back from the vast continent to purchase large quantities of goods ,the goods sales income is it right? It in Taoism ,? Xiao Han asked .
relationresultNo, half of the goods is to give the dragon ,the remaining half of Taoism itself does not sell but transferred to Dragon Island waters within the business ,they will be responsible for the sale of goods to all inhabited islands .
Video change ,this part of income is war Church Cathedral ,kwon do not interfere . , relationresultAre we Xuanmen stem is a transportation and cashier work ? Xiao Han asked .relationresult.
Video variable nodded .relationresultThe nose department is? Xiao Han asked .relationresultacquisition of the Department is a department store .All sent to the vast mainland goods are in fact not belongs to Taoism ,but to fight and Maronite church .
Video variable explained .relationresultXiaoHan understand ,one billion five hundred million of revenue is actually Xuanmen transport run errands and along the protected income ,or nose of so many people .
What to eat and drink ?relationresultItis a black super logistics company ,is a hard earned money .relationresultTaoismwithout autonomy, because the source of goods in warfare hall church hand controls the Dragon hand ,there is also a part of ,so long as no goods ,Taoism has many ships can only be game over ,of course she can keep from the human load pull back ,Coron sea market is big ,much also lost !relationresultThere are war hall and dragon are provided ,Taoism has cargo quantity is restricted .
Video change .relationresultThis is the limit? Xiao Han did not know, because Qi Ying fly memory is not on this block .relationresultEvery time I the number of Black Sea Fleet left no more than three hundred ships .
Video , relationresultAvenue.relationresult,why should the provisions of this number ? Xiao Han strange asked .relationresultDon ,that is associated with the goods .Our ship Xuanmen two times a year ,each shipment volume are the same ,human continental there are provided . Related articles:

