
Beats By Dr Dre Studio tionresult A powerfu

Edge ,do not belong to any one kingdom .Is a free area ,so the town was attacked ,no regular army garrison and resist .relationresultThis kid isimmensely proud of Rick . We and the general mercenary group ,but a very powerful mercenary group ,the demon wrapped in us ,will eliminate them .
, relationresult A powerful mercenary group ?But you are a group of young people ?Not demonic opponent ,or go .The last of the mercenary group ,are experienced adventurer ,and a powerful old magician ,are not evil opponent ,you more .
The old mayor in sighing .relationresultHear the devil thing ,female archer Louisa is very afraid ,with both hands holding the arm of Li Si ,as if that brought her a strong sense of security ,no longer afraid to tremble .
relationresultLi Si said with a smile . You don ,we can eliminate the devil . Li Si said with a smile .relationresultThe old mayor assured ,but did not seem happy ,but heavy-hearted ,he worried that another group of innocent young man caught up in it .
Today is just the middle of the month ,the devil will attack the village tonight ,exotic young man ,or you get out of here . , relationresultEveryone from the old mayor of home . ,we get out of here, I feel here is not very simple ,can be very dangerous .
Nord said to Alice ,always the calm Nord was very worried .relationresult Uncle Nord ,we still stay, can help the innocent villagers . Alice replied .relationresultNord sighed ,he knows that Alice is not going to listen to his advice ,to Alice the good ,is not on the villagers from ruin .
relationresultLi Si said : Uncle Nord ,you don ,I have here is not to let Alice work ;if hit, we ran together . Beat and ran ,thirty-six down on .Nord silence will , is the only way out .
, relationresultUnderstand the situation ,Li Si walker back home .Waiting for tonight ,to see whether there is devil .Video the moon tonight special blue town ,looks very strange ,don is it right? Tonight have evil strikes precursor .
Video out of the town ,a long howl ,spread to far far away .The town residents are in uproar ,the devil will come ?!But for a long time no news .relationresultThe very next day ,the town is heavy-hearted give a great shout of approval ,the inhabitants started smiling ,because there was no demons to attack the town .
relationresult The devil has disappeared ,never hit the town ! The blacksmith is very happy, and you said, the residents are happy ,the whole town in the first half of the year are not so lively today .
Because the demons to attack the village ,is a monthly 15, other time is not to last night ,didn ,that evil will not come again .relationresult The devil disappeared ! The town is so cheerful words .
It would be so easy ?!relationresult Li Si big brother ,the devil will not come ? Louisa is very afraid ,holding Li Si ,whispered and said .In the house ,had a thrilling night ,Louisa apparently scared ,morning saw Li Si ,came to hold him .
Louisa the girl ,the figure is not high ,but her chest * former majestic is very terrible, high ridge at the top of Li Si ,very soft .relationresultThe body of the twenty-first chaptervs undead , relationresultBookshop and updated: 2011-2-11 15:09:57 chapter number :3226 , relationresultLina just came to see Li Si seems to enjoy ,the expression ,the gas will not hit to come .
Go to Li Si ,a foot stretching ,a flying leg kick at the feet of Li Si crook . Hateful color stick ,quickly let go of Louisa ,Beats By Dr Dre Studio! , relationresultLi Si was playing for pain ,a lungful of cool air .
Aunt, what are you doing? It is without rhyme or reason. Lina foot ,Li Si feel wronged .relationresultLina stare , Devils said, ask you to do, Louisa did ! , relationresult I didn !Louisa is not afraid of ?!I comforted her .
, relationresult Hum !Greek ! Lina grabbed Louisa ,support in arms .Louisa innocently looked to Lina , ,color stick is what meaning, there is a color stick ? , relationresult This.. this problem ,Lina really didn how to answer .
This time Luisa Tyna arms ,with Lina didn voice whispered to Li si . Lee brother ,is it right? Comfortable ?If you want it, the next you can oh . Then ,Louisa hid behind Lina, face is small red, playfully on Li Si spit .
relationresultLina with a suspicious look at Li Si ,but she does not listen to the dialogue just now .Li Si looked at Louisa this girl ,very feeling, this girl is absolutely in the shitkicking surfer ,is not she appears to know nothing at all ,she demonstrated the weakness of ignorance, must be loaded ,the woman ,is really horrible existence .
relationresultThe evening has come to town ,Ukraine, quiet ,rumors of evil strikes after the storm ,the residents are still asleep, but things really that simple ?Video over the town remains as the blue moon night ,look carefully, this piece of blue flushed red ,more strange than last night .
relationresultSuddenly ,dark forest deep red big, dark red light to illuminate the dark forest ,illuminate the half sky Ukraine town .A rustling sound, like Brigade Group in quietly marched ,ready to pounce .
The devil beast people panic ,to the dark forest on the other side run away .relationresultSoon, in the video outside the town ,there was a piece of the shadow ,like a huge army .Look carefully, this is the army, because they are not human, but a bone skeleton ,from bone skeleton skull ,the skull in the darkness ,over half the video mountains ,for several miles .
relationresultSkeletons were a step by step to move forward to ,their action is slow, as was out like, incoordination, and their goal is the direction of Ukraine town .relationresultVideo is a small town ,located in the dark forest edge ,for safety ,night is arranged in front of the town village guards ,because the dark forest devil beast ,may at any time to attack the town .
The devil will not attack the village ,town, the two young people are relaxed ,on guard when he fell asleep .relationresultRustling sound is more and more big ,the sleeping in two young people .
Young people open mistily eyes ,saw the situation ,startled, legs straight in shiver ,almost lay on the ground ,he shook his neighbor .Shocked cried . The devil attacked !!The demon attacks ! , relationresultExclaimed the sound ,more and more people woke up ,in the town residents are young men ,elderly or women were sent to other town .
Stay down the generations ,to protect their survival town .Residents took home the weapons ,are Smith forged the spears and machetes, quickly gathered in the town gate ,prepare to attack the enemy .
But you face is startled look ,estimation of the battle is very fierce .relationresultLi Si they are awakened ,follow the stream ,to the town at the entrance .relationresultTo the old mayor side ,Li Si asked .
The devil to attack the town ? , relationresultThe old mayor a heavy face expression, yes !The young people of your run .We are the town people ,so to protect the town ,since his life ! , relationresultHeard the old mayor ,the residents face is no longer afraid ,with the determination to die .
Everyone raised his weapon ,shouted in unison ; to defend the town of ukraine ! ... , relationresult This is the devil ? Lina said with doubts .Louisa was afraid, hide to Li Si .In front of the darkness ,a skull slowly came to town ,each skull eyes.
There are a bunch of black flame ,exudes a strange smell .relationresultSkull Legion came to the edge of town ,residents and the battle began ,I saw a cut in the skeleton of the body ,the Related articles:

