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Prefecture ,Wuzhou ,letter from the state ,province ,state and other places ,and then all the way to the static River House ,captured the entire West Guangnan .relationresultIn the meantime,song also deploy forces ,Fan Chengda ordered ,to melt state ,Liuzhou state ,three men ,had Yuanxun ,Wu Gong and Qi Fang led the infantry division troops fifteen thousand, Zhao state ,Hezhou ,Wuzhou ,a state to army ten thousand.
According to Wu Gong ,plan in Wuzhou and letter from the state to give the volcano and the town of Mountain Home Army ambush Manichaeism between .Fan Chengda also called static River House ,a total of twenty thousand Yizhou men prepare in Wu arch ambush after winning more to Manichaeism place to launch a full-scale attack.
, relationresultSong Jun arrayof people has twelve thousand people ,basically all the infantry .Including one thousand Shenbi Archer and two thousand archers .Another nine thousand soldiers by pikemen ,slasher ,shield hand etc.
team were good ,nine thousand army into four squares ,transverse arrangement, divided into left ,right ,armed forces .Two thousand archers listed in the infantry behind. One thousand Shenbi archers are listed in the last column .
The queue ,neat ,bright and shining armor ,soldier ,is the whole bunch of Wu Gong and Qi in more than 200 cavalry surrounded ,cross Marxism-Leninism in the array, the array of Manichaeism army watch .
relationresultBothare spaced approximately three hundred step to the four hundred step ,a total of about twenty-five thousand troops ,party into five squares ,Facebook,respectively by Zhao grass ,Lai Wenzheng ,Huang Yan ,Chen Dong ,Li Jin five commanding .
Each array about 5000 people ,two in the front ,three at the back ,between the staggered rows. Team although it is neat ,but the median of a phalanx of the soldiers was heavily armor ,the other four squares soldiers as a difference of three not neat ,have no helmets ,some without a, there are a lot of people have no armor ,or a body of ordinary people who ,just before the chest to draw a fire sign.
But it also shapes weapon ,gun ,knife ,sword ,axe are of different lengths, which also are the sickle, hoe ,hunting forks and the like. , relationresultManichaeismcrowd for reverse since, at that time was only three months ,although great in strength and impetus ,swept across most of Guangxi ,but after all the time is too short ,weapons ,and assembly also cannot follow the team to expand, still retains some of the mob ,a roving features.
, relationresultSong Jun frontand two hundred cavalry ,and Manichaeism army horse there. Each square only a high car ,the car stands each square to defend .relationresultAlthoughManicheism army number is one of Song Jun times ,but from the perspective of Manichaeism Army soldier ,far less than Song Jun.
But Wu Gong was seen clearly, each a Manichaean army ,with a firm expression and high morale ,the eyes are exposed the mania ,and without to resolve. It seemed if commanded,cnn, that is afraid of the front is the most dangerous places ,would not hesitate to rush .
relationresultAlthough somedo not understand ,but it is a 100 child refugees ,consisting of a confused army why there is such a terrible momentum ,but not Wu Gong but the heart . Because his men to also be a veteran in battle force ,more importantly ,this time Wu arch is not want and Manichaeism army battle ,but will they introduced the song the ambush .
This one is full of almost be triggered at any moment to fight the army is terrible, but the lure of such an army was relatively easier. Because Wu Gong knows ,this army but then the war ,often with a morale ,regardless of life and death ,march forward courageously ,even if it is in front of trap ,will also do not hesitate to jump.
, relationresultWuGongceng listen to father Wu said ,it is not too high purity steel ,because of the purity of high steel cast sword although sharp ,but often because they lack of toughness and easily broken .
The army also is such ,a morale is rising forces often because of gas potential get away .And the worst army on the battlefield ,they also lack a kind of quality, that cool. Calm can only right complex battlefield to the enemy ,find out the enemy A truly terrible army is on the battlefield at any time to keep a cool head ,will not be affected by any situation around, when playing against a does not exhibit a very vicious kind alone ,but should be calm no expression .
relationresultWhen the thump ,thump ,thump ,thump drums sounded, Manichaeism army in front of the two phalanx Song Jun began to attack the array .relationresultYang Yan standing ona hill ,from the top down house as ,can clearly see the entire field.
Although for only the number of Manichaeism army half, but Yang Yan is now the most battle-hardened man ,from both sides of the soldier on watch ,for quality should be much higher than mani taught army.
Plus weapons assembly quality ,long distances with reasonable ,Yang Yan felt even recklessly forces should also be can remain invincible .relationresultAnd Yang Yan alsosee ,for behind the valley also vaguely with ambush, can according to the battlefield and changes in different coping .
Plus Wu arch of command ,the fight song should be able to gain a complete victory ,if can smooth the Manichaean army into the valley song encirclement ,then the song completely could wipe out half the Manichaean army ,thus reversing the situation in Guangnan.
, relationresultBut Yang Yandid not understand ,why before fighting the Manichaean always often wins ?Today to see .relationresultYang brother ,you would come . Yang Yan looked back, a white, pale as Sally leaves Muxue has stood behind him three yards place .
The sky while still drizzle ,but because of her appearance becomes transparent ,it a simple white linen cloth also because wear on her body and appear otherworldly .relationresultYang Yandao: the girl on the song also leaves and Manichaean army fighting interested? , relationresultYe Muxueslowly walked to Yang Yan and he and together, a pair of eyes to eyes mountain against the two early look ,said: Yang brother thought that Manichaeism successful chances are ? , relationresultSeven religious force 2 , relationresultYang Yanwinced : leaf girl refers to the battle of that ? , relationresultYe Muxuefaces bloomed in an elegant and leisurely person smile ,said: Mu snow refers to the nature is not currently a war ,but refers to the chaos of Manichaeism ,tear down the song to build towards a new chances are? There is only you in my two people, you said that will not spread ,so don scruple ,although speak one .
, relationresultYang Yan is actuallynothing but scruples ,but leaves Muxue just ask so suddenly ,he suddenly some be taken by surprise ,think before: little chance of success . , relationresultOh.
Ye Muxue made a face at Yang Yandao : now ,they have less than three months ,it has been great in strength and impetus ,several hand swept across most the south, former Emperor Gaozu of Han ,Han Wu to commoner in time is far less than the Manichaean now momentum .
Yang brother say their chances of success is not ,google?Mu snow to hear Yang brother explanation . , relationresultYang Yandao: the emperor Gaozu of Han ,Hanhikaru Take so as to face everything ,all because of the former tyranny stir the world of restless ,as long as there is one person Yi rod and a hundred responses to a hundreds ,immediately .
Ye Guniang thinks ,the Song Emperor is fatuous monarch of the country ? , relationresultYe Muxueand shook his head : not in Mu snow looks ,although less than the emperor Tang Taizong ,Hanhikaru Take such rare gifts and bold strategy ,but also is a wise king ,at least when compared to the previous generation of micro ,chin two emperor ,and even a more much , relationresultYang Yansaid: now the court is in whether a traitor ? , relationresultLeafMuxue said: neither.
The court while the Dragon yuan ,had such a false Tik officials, but after all, does not like Cai Jing ,Qin Hui that shut out the heavens with one palm ,and the emperor is also very
important to trust and Yu Yun-wen ,Chen Junqing ,the righteous ministers ,government run overall is good , relationresultYang Yan was curious,to leaf Muxue on court thing to understand Related articles:

