
Facebook ong Jun being shot

Through a series of break for two village .Just to the Zonta edge city, found the gates opened,Facebook, out of a team headed by Song Jun ,a member of the white horse of the long stick his will ,and, led by Song Jun wherever he goes ,is unexpectedly encounter little resistance ,if not stopped her ,I will lead the fight to Song Jun .
relationresultThereforeDingyue stone with three other Huining temple three generation disciple :Wu forest station ,operation ,a stack of Lu also et al ,to stop .Come near, stone Dingyue found ,a member of this song was a woman ,he urged the horse forward, hold a stick of Zhao Yueru .
relationresultBut then thestone Dingyue we saw the other side stick mans soares, suddenly feel that all a piece of Yellow Mountain ,a long stick to each other such as river general to have crazy attack me ,and also not know it is unreal, that is the real action .
relationresultShi Dingyue hearts ofsurvival ,know their own martial arts than the other ,there are indeed some distance .But after all he is three generation disciple in Huining temple is one of the strongest men in the temple ,in ten years of hard but not lucky ,immediately raised his halberd ,fling caution to the winds in the past Zhao Yueru stab ,is a pair of perish together play .
relationresultIna short moment, issued a series of stick halberd on gold Tiesheng ,also do not know how much to pay .But no matter how stone Dingyue jab ,a halberd is just be just perfect blocked by Zhao Yueru ,as if he were deliberate sting in dragon stick like stone ,sad Dingyue almost want to vomit blood ,getting feel scared ,knows his enemy but Zhao Yueru ,if the strong survive only will be killed, and finally a feint Trident, defeated .
relationresultWuforest station ,operation ,a stack of Lu also three people saw stone Dingyue pinned down together ,urged the horse to grab ,Wu Lin make the broadsword ,spear of Lu waving ,a composite armour also used chain ,three people four weapons stopped Zhao Yueru ,kill into a ball .
The stone Dingyue that are free to breathe a sigh of relief, although only just met just for a moment, but the weapon to hit at least forty or fifty, fingers are also some pins and needles .
Over his halberd blade ,was hot hot ,.Can not help but secretly heart ,this woman really too severe, if a pair of a contest, I only Wanyan long and Wanyan Chen monks can do her opponent .
relationresultLook atthe battlefield, Zhao Yueru saw a shift stick potential Yue ,heavy pressure ,throughput withdrawing ,when eagles flying ;Wang Chong straight sweeping ,when his tiger ,a dragon stick to dance out of Yellow Mountain million ,wrap three weapons ,to kill Wu forest station ,operation Lu ,a stack of three people only defense work ,defenseless .
But the three people of the martial arts Dingyue than stone ,but after more than a decade of hard work, it is three people together, then just keep a portal ,to not lose .Http:/// , relationresultFive: Escape 2 , relationresultAnd although Zhao Yueru takes an advantage, but it was the three of them caught ,unable to move a step forward .
Jin Jun brigade troops immediately from flanked up ,a song ,Tang Qufei and Li Qiang in command of forces resisted desperately ,blocked the Jin army waves of attack ,not finally in disarray .
relationresultThe stone Dingyue also rested in relief ,was also to open into the fray .Meng heard somebody: more and more ,how is this going ? , relationresultShi Dingyue looked back ,cannot help feeling great ,it is with more than 1000 monks Wanyan Chen Jin Jun rush .
: the song from Tak County breakout . And again : Zhao like wearing silver armor Woman Calendar harm . , relationresultWanyan Chen monk glanced at ,immediately recognized him ,said: she was with Yang Yan participated in the raid on the southern black Yangshan ,princess .
, relationresultShi Dingyue came to understand it ,cnn,said: it is her ,really terrible ah, no wonder magic empty uncle will die in their hands .I Wu forest station ,operation ,a stack of Lu also three individuals can match her ,we still go to help .
, relationresultWanyan Chen and shook his head ,google,said: they three can hold for a while ,we rushed from side to side ,flanking the song .As long as the song a messy, she a person to also be of no avail the strong martial arts .
, relationresultShi Dingyue nodded ,and said: Chen monk ,you ,here we go . , relationresultTwo people each with hundreds of people ,from left and right bag clip on .Wanyan Chen monk swinging hand axe ,even cut a dozen song ,retaining a will .
Li Qiang sees the gun battle ,the Prancing Pony Wanyan Chen monk ,was Wanyan Chen monk removed with first ax ,second ax results in life .He died suddenly ,song could not resist ,they abruptly from the left to cut ,cut in two .
While the other side stone Dingyue also led the golden army made for defense ,in the array for repeated charge, song again also cannot keep her formation ,is the Jin army split into several segments ,only to fight the enemy separately ,was chaos .
relationresultAlthough Zhao Yueru and Wu Lin station ,in operation ,a stack of Lu also three people fighting ,but also pay attention to battlefield changes ,not seen for a while, song by the Jin army to kill chaos, a battle on a stick ,feint ,dial the horse back in the array .
Wu forest station ,operation ,a stack of Lu also three people already tired pant for breath ,body sweat, see Zhao Yueru no withdrawal, but all together Qisong breath, did not dare to chase ,only to Dakoutaikou panting .
relationresultSong Jun watched by were killed to be utterly routed the stick ,Zhao Yueru killed several Golden Army ,but also save the overall situation .Her powers are high, but the battlefield experience is finite ,then the mind a blank ,don what to do .
relationresultFortunately, the Tang Song fly to the side of Zhao Yueru, said: the princess ,now not many ,we run away, now can escape out how how much . , relationresultZhao Yueru suddenly wake up ,and a clamp white belly ,to the left in charge in the past .
Tang Qufei and hundreds of song followed close behind her ,came down .relationresultI do not know when, in the sky and rain, rain is increased gradually ,a lot of combustion flame extinguished .
relationresultWanyan Chen monk ,stone Dingyue ,Wu forest station ,operation ,a stack of Lu also led thousands of Jin et al ,after catching up .Song Jun was in the army are coupled with the front step ,continuous gold army intercepted, so with this will run fast .
Jin Junquan cavalry ,want to overtake the song actually not difficult .But Chen Heshang did not catch up with Wanyan ,just behind the song deliberately and maintain thirty or forty step distance, with a bow and arrow shooting song song ,continuous consumption .
relationresultThen Zhao Yueru body injuries ,but is not fatal, to no harm .Only a silver armor was full of blood, while still struggling sizhan .Suddenly there came a scream ,she turned to look, saw the soup song fly turnover dropped ,an arrow shot through the armor ,the vest from infiltration of chest out ,this one visible enemy force to rabid .
Look at the side of the song ,has less than a hundred .relationresultListen only toot, toot behind the arrows broken empty endless, and countless arrows from behind .Beside Song Jun being shot down one after another .
Zhao Yueru turned and waved the Dragon stick dial arrows ,but she has been fighting big semidiurnal ,force strength is far from normal time comparable ,even following the destroyed six or seven arrow ,while supporting himself ,but not help support seat of white horse ,was able to take advantage of a weak point two arrows ,shot in the white horse .
relationresultWhite a moan ,a soft limbs ,head sizes on the ground .Fortunately, Zhao Yueru dragon stick a little ground ,supporting the body, will not fall on the ground .Looking around, only a dozen soldiers song .
relationresultLook behind the Golden Army caught up, Zhao Yueru suddenly appearing be in a deplorable plight and powerless feeling ,then there are a few arrow to song soldiers shot ,the Zhao month follows conscious dodged ,but now she has all the exhausted body strength ,much less flexible ,although from two arrows ,but the wind sound ,one arrow hit the shoulder, but armor block a block, into the meat is not deep .
relationresultHowever Zhao Yueru single hand holds the stick ,the other hand pulled out the arrow ,then he seems to feel no pain : am I going to die here ?If I die here ,then anything can be finished, what the song ,what helped protect the new monarch ,have and own nothing ,he will not bear the heavy burden of responsibility and . Related articles:

