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Start the positive preparation .Because the mission to Mongolia to cross the Chinese soil ,therefore still disguised as a caravan .But it is only in the lichen ,Zhao ,Han Yanzhi ,Zhao Zhuangyu ,Wang Yan ,Xin Qiji four know ,in the name of ,is from Yang Yan as Lee State Road East and West Ma duct ,responsible for border patrol northwest .
relationresultThis timeto Mongolia ,to prepare very fully, Zhao Yueru is bound to follow Yang Yan to go ,and Zhang Wei Yang Yan has been with me also ,and from the staff side division to Ling Xiang and Huang Mingxia couples ,and thirty experienced members .
Also from Jing Yan he selected twenty female servants ,beside Zhao Yueru .In order to ensure the safety and from midway ,Ma Xiao cavalry and infantry division division Xiongwu army each electing three hundred people ,including both a cavalry and armoured Mazar knife army has one hundred and fifty people, the six hundred horse by Qi Dazhu in command ,but were disguised himself as a merchant .
relationresultJust whenWu Kuang and Wu Qing and they came to the health report .The original penalty Golden Army ,two people were rewarded ,but because his father died ,he has been at home in the bereavement of parents ,not to serve the military ,so also did not participate in the battle .
Now the bereavement of parents over, to Jiankang privy to report .relationresultBecause of temporarynor their brother presentation task ,it is also bringing Yang Yan ,Wu Kuang as Qi Dazhu ,cheap dr dre beats,due the warhorse ,Wu Ching and beside Zhao Yueru ,went to the grassland .
relationresultInthe Lai Wenzheng received the news ,is also not the effect ,immediately began to organize a caravan ,the latent staff of 60 people, also called one hundred and fifty real caravan members to look real ,like a caravan ,by themselves and Suzaku ,Zhao grass personally led ,can only lead people into the Western Xia Yang Yan ,on both sides together into grassland .
relationresultOf course,such a big movement and the movement of personnel, want to completely hide it is impossible .Lai Wenzheng and let to contact ,also do not hide him, saying only that song to form an alliance with Mongolia, north-south pincer attack Jin ,therefore it will send a set group ,dressed as a caravan to Mongolia to see the Mongolia Khan Temujin ,discuss the alliance business ,after the time, please take care of any respect from .
Of course, Lai Wenzheng makes no mention of Yang Yan and Zhao Yueru in the mission .relationresultThe Song Dynastyand the Mongolia liaison work ,is through the Western Xia ,Ren respect also sensed .
Therefore any respect is not accidental .He is now in need of relying on the strength of the Song Dynasty ,on request ,natural to do .In the summer ,but the garrison ,the respect ,threats ,Song Mongolian commissure ,flanked on either of the Jin Dynasty ,respect ,is also good .
He is also actively help .relationresultHasany respect and attention, the corps and Mongolia in Song Dynasty envoy excluded children red et al. Batch entered the Western Xia, in spirit ,with Lai Wenzheng and the confluence, Xun made form a 900 people huge caravans ,and the horses nearly six hundred horsepower ,the size of vehicles a total of ninety-five cars, of which approximately thirty it is loaded with soldiers armor weapon .
In the name of the caravan ,or several big businessmen led by Ali ,then north along the the Yellow River ,from Blackwater town Yan Army division into the prairie .relationresultJust whenMongolia and Kelie headquarter place of battle .
But the grasslands ministries always wrong caravan to start, so everyone not to worry too much .They excluded children from red lead to temperature ,all infants rarely hill .The temperature was near to the rare mountain ,get Mongolia army to defeat ,iron pin rate all escaped ,or son red heart very anxious ,and led the caravan along the Green River eastward from even find the remnants of the Mongolia army .
relationresultAlong the waywhile also encountered kliene Department of the army ,but they were very kind to the caravan ,by Ali et al come ,send some gifts ,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com,easy to avoid mixing passed .
But even in Green River ,the caravan had joint withdrawal father-in-law . .relationresultTheirteam was kliene army scattered after the strike ,and withdrawal of infants with my son ,and break through and escape ,and removes the son ,and the other two sons were kliene army .
Examine a rare hid corpses are dead ,only narrowly escape the robbery .Such kliene army retire ,examine a rare to get up ,go to find Tiemuzhen ,but encountered Yang Yan caravan .
relationresultBrightred is a rare understanding children observed ,immediately rescued by a Khan, and from the police a rarely heard ,as possible from the OnOn coast sea return fishing camp .
The caravan carrying grain to very enough ,so immediately shifted ,from OnOn coast looking for Mongolia army ,finally in the class to find the remnants of the army of Mongolia love river .
Yang Yan then ordered the caravan waiting in situ ,let there was red and observation a rare to see Temujin ,illustrate the caravan .relationresultTemujinlisten or son red finish, also put in this time of war to the exclusion of infants after red simple said again .
That feared a son was killed in battle, or son red is very sad ,but now the princes to come, ask how should receive as large song missions .relationresultIronpin really embarrassed .
He has always wanted and the alliance ,but he just defeated ,if it is in the camp is okay, but now has been ikira sses of aid ,but only food is short of, almost all of the Mongolia warriors are the armor not entire ,but most people in ten days do not take a shower ,so the image with dishevelled hair and a dirty face ,very embarrassed .
relationresultWhile thesong was evident on the Federation seriously very, sent the princess and Prince as envoys ,oneself like this now ,did not receive the envoys of the time .relationresultAt this time,eight fire is seen as embarrassing way ,said: the sweat, which ran the envoys to here ,also cannot avoid seeing the .
But what we do is so ugly .Here from the broad flattened Haizi not far, only less than a day ,I look as good as we start at once ,to broad flattened lake edge ,at least let the soldiers put them on a point that is clean ,and then large song envoys .
I am in the Song Dynasty, and Yang Fuma is very familiar with, where he explains in clear, believe that he can understand . , relationresultTemujinthought for a moment ,nods, said: so be it ,you go !I let all ready .
, relationresultXYeight fire find Marco bald borrowed a clean clothes ,and put on the body cleaned ,it and bright son red came together before see Yang Yan caravan .relationresultEightsee fire ,Yang Yan also was frightened jump ,said: take eight son sir, how do you look like this .
Then life took a bucket of water ,let XY eight fire a wash first ,and then said to live .relationresultXYeight fire a weak smile ,also inconvenient declined Yang Yan first find a corner ,Beats Detox,simple wash up ,then come back and see Yang Yan ,will of defeated after ,as well as yourself and Temujin going to say it again .
relationresultYang Yansink in for a while, said: take eight son sir, I can be .In is general background, know ,it is still the common soldier .Don underestimate Mongolia .We hope to meet right now Temujin .
, relationresultThis ... ... XY eight fire slightly hesitated ,but said: !Now that he had hoped, so I back to sweat a sound ,have a look of his opinion . , relationresultNinety-seven catch fish sea of UNITA ( on) , relationresultZhao Yueruand Yang Yanji make old husband and wife, but sometimes she still could not guess Yang Yan on my mind .
Like this one, she did not understand some ,at present this case ,according to the said reasons ,is not without reason, but was delayed a day meeting and others ,why Yang Yan must adhere to immediately see Temujin ?relationresultIn fact,not just her mission ,other people have this idea ,just out of faith in Yang Yan ,they all did not say what ,according to Yang Yan words to do .
relationresultAlong withYang Yan and Zhao Yueru to meet with Huang Mingxia ,Zhao LX ,Temujin is grass ,Suzaku ,Lai Wenzheng and the six men .And took ten men ,in eight children fire Related articles:

