
cheap beats by dre lazing Long Cheng Di

 The madder of Fu Lai graceful great way:"Is really beautiful!"Joys happy pleasedly and every where look about.
Space orchid Di Ya Dao:"Is an altar here, every 100 years here all want to hold a sacrificial rites, each time till the time of sacrificial rites noisy!"
Anne Ji Li the Nuo is one Pie mouth.The noodles exposes the color of disappointment, the ground is indeed very beautiful here, unfortunately she but don't appreciate of mood, wishing a space orchid the Di is graceful to return be really have never seen to die noodles, ask a way:"The space orchid Di friendship, you are always foolish at Long Jie.The world that didn't arrive an outside has ever been to?"
"To, Anne Ji Li Nuo, is the outside easy to have fun?"The space orchid Di friendship nods.
Anne the Ji Li Nuo way:"Certainly, the outside can compare here play many."
"Really?No one once said for me."Space orchid Di Ya Dao.
Anne the Ji Li Nuo way:", That what do you all do at ordinary times?"
Space orchid Di Ya Dao:"Peacetime, majority of time all in the sleeping, don't read a book, also have be once look for person several recruit."
"Always all so?"
"Your Long Zu's life's returning is really dull."
"Really thought of that the outside seeses!However, the Di Ni Sis in card Europe all forbid us to go out ……"space orchid Di Ya Dao, the noodles dew contemplates of color.
"BE?"Anne Ji Li Nuo says.Once embraced to guard a month from the space orchid Di friendship the bosom, way:"Guard a month, sing to let elder sister listen to not very good?"
Guarded a month to blink to blink the big eye that water works properly, in response to the way:"Good!Anne Ji Li Nuo elder sister, you put me first down."Anne Ji Li the Nuo let go of to guard a month.Guard a small step of month to run to the altar edge, face tree in the world.
Is pure but childishly the singing lightly ripple, the whole Long Cheng thoroughly hush, the only sweet singing resounds.All persons who hear singing stopped to start in of affair, sink into dreamland general.The Ying Ying green light sends forth from treetop in the world.Of branches and leaves, the innumerable slowly floats to fall like small simply ordering of the glowworm.Just like snow a heavy snow of green.Not much, flew numerous Ultrasauruses from the all directions, flew to all change into person's form to altar neighborhoods, rounded in the altar surroundings, listen that wonderful singing.
For a long time, the singing stops, one in the world is silent, only be still floating the light falling to order.
The space orchid Di friendship wide awake some, foolishly hope the green light lingers around of tree in the world.Spread center of palm to answer small simply ordering to only order to fall to come to hand heart to disappear, the space orchid Di friendship pulled to pull Anne Ji Li Nuo, ask a way:"How was this !"
"I don't know!"Anne the Ji Li Nuo Leng Leng ground, she didn't also thought of that the ground that guard a month's singing will have this effect, not from see to guard a month, the body that see guard a month suspends half empty, bathing at together green light in, the source of that green light is exactly tree in the world.Anne Ji Li Nuo and space orchid the Di is in every aspect and mutually graceful Qu, all not knew to actually take place what affair, also not know how to do.
The green light gradually elapses and guards lunar body downfall, even lie on the altar on.Anne Ji Li Nuo and space orchid the Di Be graceful to hurriedly come forward to inspect a circumstance, discover to guard a month just and sleep to go to all not from breath a sigh of relief.
A few shadow of human figures fall in from the air and before stood four men, ice Long Wang Ai Si Fu the Rui is then and therein virtuous, other 3 people's accompanying is that the inspiring looks is uncommon, the vehemence is pressing, the not the slightest weaker than moxa Si Fu Rui is virtuous.Four men are after death exactly the cards that arrives at Long Jie with the virtuous the moxa Si Fu Rui to think Jia and west in the moxa Si and black Er a kind of insect silk, pull an emperor 4 people.One light hair the man come forward to ask a way:"Is the space orchid Di friendship you?!Took place here what matter?"
"Ha ha, unexpectatively you are four to all come, the Di Ni Si in card Europe and space in the Fu pulls emperor and moxa Er blue Di Si did we meeteach other again!"The Du space pulls ratio the bottom come forward and after death follow thin virtuous Russia Si of Suo from the altar, evil burning, 3 hero Luo.
Have a head of flame sort red ground the man stare at a Du space to pull a ratio, air not kind tunnel:"The Du space pulls a ratio, I am about to seek you!"
The light hair man pulls a red man, way:"Other matters after a while say again, space orchid Di friendship, here took place what affair?"
Just took this crevice space orchid Di Ya Gei An Ji Li the Nuo introduced this a few men, the light hair man was a saint Long Wang Di the Ni card Si in Europe, the red man is a fire the space in Long Wang Fu pull an emperor, moreover a man with quiet complexion is a sky, Long Wang Ai Er blue Di Si, saint Long Wang Di the Ni card Si in Europe inquire, space orchid Di Ya Dao:"The affair is such ……" speaks affair from beginning to end 1 time.
Listen to, public all is lost in thought in, not understand why will appear this the difference be like, thinking all have no threads for a while, the Di Ni Si way in card Europe:"This affair is afraid to go."
"Since so, I returned to first, space orchid Di friendship, we walk."The Du space pulls a ratio way, the in the mind cuts and polishes this to matter to fasten to guard a month, occupying is afraid 1 didn't solve fine, they father female the riddle regiment on the body was really too many.
"Etc.!"The fire space in Long Wang Fu pulls an emperor to call way, the voice is like big bell, very loud and clear, also take sub- quick temper.The Du space pulled to compare to stop a space in the step Fu to pull an emperor interrogation way:"The Du space pulls a ratio, blazing Long Cheng Di's matter is you to do ground!?"
The Du space pulls to compare a towering way:"Is me, that how again?How?Is the thinking those mankind's followers successful in career for you?!"
"You ……you unexpectedly,cheap beats by dre, today doesn't be good friends with to teach you so much can not!"Space in the Fu pulls an emperor great anger, a flame coagulates in hand and forms the long gun of one pole flame Teng Teng.
The Du space pulls a ratio to nowise show weak.Way:"Teach me?!Well big tone!Show me you these years have what make progress!"Say, also lifted one in the hand pole You blue and long gun.
"Stop!Is an altar here, isn't that you fight a ground of place!"The Di Ni Si in card Europe drinks a way and stand to 2 people in the center, immediately after the face reading Du space pulls a ratio, respectfully way:"The Du space pulls a ratio and blazes Long Cheng's affair, I heard, you were excessively really some!"
"Excessively?Ha ha, I still felt cheap those people!The Di Ni Si in card Europe, nominally you are my Long Zu Di's leader.But you these years all did some what?You are too self-indulgent to mankind!Those mankind unexpectedly rode our Long Zu's head to come up and not only held the game that the Yu dragon makes, but also appeared knight dragon now, do you unexpectedly also ignore?Hum, do you want to let your clansmens all go and be a slave for mankind?"The Du space pulls to compare to sneer at a way."Like, seldom come to so many clansmens here today, I had the affair liked to say!"
The Du space pulls to compare to stand to face numerous Long Zu's clansmens in altar to altar front, Yang track:"My clansmens, I.Evil Long Wang Du's space pulls a ratio, a little bit ex- days I broke the mankind's burning Long Cheng, everyone wanted to know why?"
The set descends a public discussion in succession.
The Du space pulls than a beckon with the hand.The air appears a sorcery and declined from the sorcery severals flew a dragon, the Du space pulled a ratio way:"If everyone wants to know reason ground words, they can tell everyone the answer."
This severals' flying a dragon is a Du space to at the beginning pull ratio at burning the skill field of Long Cheng Dou save next of those are severals, they still keep at the beginning at this time be knight dragon sits to ride of attire.The altar is next and public to see severals flying a dragon thus of attire, some persons who once saw right away understood what happened.
"The Du space pulls a ratio, do you want to do what?!"The Di Ni Si in card Europe asks a way.
"Is dry what?Hey Hey, I just want clansmen to know that the true facts is just!My clansmens, see those damned mankind to we ground what did the clansmen all do?Though they are just common Long Zu.Exactly is my Long Zu of a , unexpectedly become sitting of humble mankind to ride and toy, I the Du space pull to compare as Long Wang anyway can not accept, either."
Severals fly Long Hao to call and use Long Yu to tell oneself ground situation, especially those two dragons that take part in the Yu Long Shi's game, speak of their oneselfs drive the mankind's contractual controls have to with the same kind kill brutally, the voice tears accompany bottom.The altar descends public on listenning to, the momentary public sentiment arouses courageously, many people yell to want Cheng to cure mankind.
The Di Ni Si complexion in card Europe is difficult to see, see an affair to have a control not to live a ground of trend, way:"The Du space pulls a ratio,do you want to take Long Zu and mankind's war?"
The Du space pulls to compare cold hum a , way:"BE how again Related articles:

