
Artist Series idn't been superfluo

Words, I can deal with two nights at the same time will but don't hurt."I again ordered to nod, dealing with two nights would in fact be not difficult either and let the deathless garbage temporarily hold up 1 to go and dealt with that night at that time still use I how not experienced big ax, if used sword or knife, can sooner end combat.
"His majesty, the words of mock moon castellan still have reservation, with his real strenght, believe to deal with 34 nights at the same time will all all right, and mock moon castellan under charge's still having many valiant generals can be used."At this time green Long Cheng that is big fat station to still come out to jack up my real strenght.
"H'm, see to your real strenght quite good, I want to hand over by you to do a task, don't know that you dare to answer?"Emperor suddenly once the tone turn and take the tone of claim to ask a way.
"Invite a his majesty order, the task that I definitely and extremely make an effort to complete his majesty to hand over to treat."Hear here, I probably know that this emperor wants to seek my stem what, is not want to let I find back to lostly spread country imperial seal for him?That thing on me, anyway the nothing important is used, can return to him at any time, probably can also get quite good reward at the same time also uncertain.

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The text chapter 584 promotes to become rich
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"Is not not urgently hasty, that task in a moment arrives me of the jade den hand over by you again to do, I want to be bestowed to you now."The emperor shook to shake a hand, not on the contrary worried.
"Bestow?"I the doubt ground looking at emperor, don't know he why wants to bestow himself/herself, and then wants to appreciate oneself what things, however should be not very bad, after all he is an emperor.
"That's right, you successfully keep the night soldier of night boundary from invading,should not accept me of bestow?"The emperor ordered to nod and smiled to looking at me.
"This green Long Cheng's castellan has already given to overpraise to appreciate."Although my mouth's inside answers so a way,the in the mind still would like to accept one more to bestow very much of and after all have an advantage who can't want, just don't know how this emperor thought, will be so good and had no to without cause annex to bestow to me at first?
"Ha ha, green Long Cheng's castellan's praising that is his, I of praise that is me to of, can not be mixed to a thin, much less green castellan dragon give of that task reward that just invite you to destroy the night boundary fiesta set but acquire, but appear afterwards of the night king but in the task outside, you broke an invading of night king, this award for merit certainly wants moreover calculate, don't know what you want?Tell me, make me contented with you."The emperor cachinnation gets up, unexpectedly the still wanting separately gives to praise, that I certainly also at enmity with he is getting more polite, and this award for merit can be not small, can also make me put forward by myself.
"This?If can of words, I want one spirit guarding force big gun."I wanted to think, again will before and the reward that that green Long Cheng's castellan put forward said 1 time, now those what absolute being machine what of have already been getting ofer no account to me, also not equal to one spirit guarding force big gun to must be good, the power of the courageous big gun is very strong.Be cool off time too long, if have much several doors, so the east door in the sky more steady such as Mount Taishan.
"Courageous big gun?Do you how can want this?"Emperor didn't directly be refused to me, on the contrary puzzle ground dynasty I ask a way.
"The his majesty also knows all of my city defense east door in the sky and sea cities in the town is at the east of the empire ground the coast is on-line, can be able to say there is the boundary front door of our empire, pass ocean many connective nations, therefore there of the defense have to also strengthen, if can add to increase 12 spirit guarding martial big guns, the defense ability of my eastern sky of door will be stronger, again plus the advantage of geography.Can steadily block some hostile nations see to our Kais, don't dare to infringe upon us from the sea.My eastern sky of door while especially being a country war to directly open can also the prison prison guard the defense of east,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com, let other nationally the person can not step into half to tread."I directly promote the problem to the country to fight up, so this emperor will would like to also give me the courageous big gun 12.
"H'm, you the east door in the sky is indeed a card to guard on the national frontier, as long as guarding the east door in the sky and indeed guard national east the gate of the noodles, however this courageous big gun I am to can not give yours, this is lord the absolute being give of thing.Our empire also so several door, come out more of a have already given you.Have already didn't been superfluous of, however the evil crystal big gun of other pours to give you are some, although the power of the evil crystal big gun far rather courageous big gun , on the shortage of the quality, can increase to repair a time on the amount."The emperor ordered first to nod, close behind again shake not to courageous big gun.However after explaining, I also understood, that courageous big gun he also has no, a nation for so many doors, unless dismantled the courageous big gun of those super cities.Otherwise is give not I ground.
"So ah."I set up for helpless appearance and and said after wanting to think:"Evil crystal big gun we already purchase Be getting more, we are enough this,Artist Series, if can with ground words.That invites his majesty to bestow some special buildings."The courageous big gun could not take, take some special buildings to return to good, the evil crystal big gun can be spent money to buy.We traverse Xuan country villa enough money again, so still keep wanting priceless thing of some golds.
"That good, I grant you two special buildings, turn head you to the work department to receive building diagram paper, moreover appreciate your gold again 100002, the officer rise three articles."The emperor ordered to nod and unexpectedly agreed down, and still two diagram papers of special buildings, compare with that green Long Cheng's castellan has to be much more generous, canned only be pity don't gradationally praise, another official position returns connect rise three articles, is also say much direct from nine article vice ministers rose to six article vice ministers and saved a great deal of eminent contribution.
"Like, you arrive me first of the jade den wait me, a short while I still need to hand over to you task."The emperor also wants me to withdraw to leave a this Gan pure temple at this time, probably they still have what national important event want to talk, I this six article vice ministers can have no this qualifications continues foolish here, certainly I can't continue, either foolish here, I still need to consider to choose to want which two diagram papers of special buildings are better.
After going to the jade den of emperor, I was getting more depressed, because get to there, in addition to being foolish to sit in the chair of part, don't can make anything, because here am the jade den of emperor, I can the darling is foolish over there, wait for that to arrive, there is side also an eunuch lookinging at,
Want everywhere and see all not to go.
However not so bad that emperor didn't keep me waiting too long, I sat half over there hour probably after, the emperor came right away jade den, however those big officers are an all have no heel.
"His majesty!"See the emperor come in, I hurriedly stood and saluted to him, however here need not go again to kowtow of gift, as long as the arch starts, low the head went,Beats by Dre Just Beats.
"Go, mock moon, do you know me to seek your He Shi?"The emperor puts a hand and heads for Long Yi to sit down and asks a way to me at the same time.
"Return to his majesty, the minister doesn't know."I was also six article vice ministers now, to oneself call an improvement also for a while, is a minister son form of address oneself, however seek his/her own real target to this emperor not know, although mostly may have something to do with that spreading country imperial seal, I don't dare as well to literally speak.
"A few days ago the imperial palace is sneaked into by thief, do you know?"The emperor suddenly stares at after I saw a short while, dynasty I ask a way, but double the eye still keep lookinging at me and make me have some to frighten into inaction.
"The minister doesn't know that the imperial palace forbids Wei severe, how can encounter thief's person's interfusion?Those thief person's courages are also a lot too big?"Go into a thief to the imperial palace, I also really don't know, however knew now, and return be stolen to walk to spread country imperial seal, there are probably also many other babies also not necessarily.
"Ha ha, don't be nervous, this matter you certainly can't know, I have already let people forbids to spread to go, don't say to is you, is none of green Long Cheng's castellans to know."Emperor Tu Related articles:

