
gram shrug saysThe

How to wear to think, he could not feel as well the agreeable sky of mansion Yin has which son better than the official position of fee old man 3 people, these three people's posts can is all gain at leisure, and then have illegitimate profit, outside taking can climb a good of the top of attaching the relation" "Zun aim"Float in the sky a thou spray wine spirit, after beating a Ge, and then flicked begin say:"Two adults, this wine but celebrate achievement wine, from time immemorial, this celebrate achievement wine is to don't drink can not of ……" "Have, there is this rules?"Ask a way at the medium small voice

"Yes, I also really want to know for a while, affirmative does someone pay for you to recruit and right?……"Luo Xin also asks a way "Like well, you say ……" jade Heng sees Zhao Qian the parlance of some approval Xing also, oneself again temporarily can not figure out come what, have to the parlance of listenning to the XingAt present, have already been getting more spiritless on the hand of small old son, also pull an ErHu to still go, where can also begin with others?"Sell to sing an old man wry smile way

"The virtuous thunder gram shrug saysThe text is wise, you power contemporary I an act like what?"Six Long Qis say again Originally, in the time of Kangxi 33 years just once held a big ratio, pressed to say should after being three years, being also Kangxi 36 years would have one more section tests, but, it happened that this year again the year of the big life of empress dowager too, and is 80 greatest lives

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